Leighton Rathbone's profile

Orphanage Cocktail Emporium

Working with Orphanage Cocktail Emporium was a dream, I really identified with the owner's vision, which enabled me to produce some amazing work in my time with them, above we have the updated logo, originally just the ORPHANAGE box with the keys being a separate entity, Inspired by the hand painted type above the doorway, I combined all these elements into a classic looking logo.
The above poster is based off of old carnival posters and elements of the Orphanage building.
The start of one of my favourite campaigns, an iconic cocktail of the venue called the "Swim & Tonic" would come with a toy rubber gold fish as a garnish, this fish regularly got stolen, leading to the above and then the creation of a mascot.
The Instagram campaign to name the new mascot.
At Orphanage nothing was normal, we threw the bill folders out, and rather gave guests their bill in these custom made "Paying Cards" boxes.
Stickers to brand the bottles of premixed cocktails that flew during their respective weeks.
Facebook banner designed to promote a very successful charity event.
Orphanage Cocktail Emporium

Orphanage Cocktail Emporium

Some of my favorite work I had the pleasure of producing for a quirkly little craft Cocktail Bar in Cape Town South Africa.
