Khoi Nguyen Tran's profile

Desaturated Photography

starting out
These are the first 9 images uploaded to the Instagram account. The locations and stories of these photos are all in my hometown, where I grew up and developed the earliest interests in artistic expression.
development and growth
The next 9 pictures have one distinct difference to the former set: the portrait orientation. Same as before, most of these images marked the milestones of my personal life while others were more of an outlet for my desire of emotional expression. 
'day la ha noi khong duoc voi'
A photographic collection of moments, items and cultural aspects taken on my trip to Ha Noi, Viet Nam last August. This marked my first time to Ha Noi, a place of incredible culture and aesthetic beauty. 
All photos can be found in the account on Instagram.
Thank you for your time. 
Desaturated Photography

Desaturated Photography

A personal photo album showing the growth, development and maturity of a teenager newly introduced to artistic self-expression.
