Overall I could not have been more happy with what i manage to do .I had to have options for the parts of the magazine and I did. I had 2 single story images and 2 covers and backs. If the coffee shop shoot didn’t go as planned i would have tried to do another caffe. I am also really happy with what i learned about why my second single photo story picture was better than the first one .For the cover I am happy that i did my initial idea and saw that it just wouldn't work despite how much i thought it would  and also the fact that i manage to catch the moment that is on the cover while i was working is also a really nice feeling . I am glad that I didn't let the fact that i wasn't comfortable  approaching people affect me that much and more or less this got me closer to overcoming that .
As far as the practice shoots , if it wasn't for them my project wouldn’t have been nearly as good as it came out. I had to push my creativity for the 6 image photo story and actually think of a narrative myself since I knew that i couldn’t arrange a photoshoot within a week. And having the 3 different people task was also very helpful. 
OTP - Reflection

OTP - Reflection


Creative Fields