Meet Seeker, Warlock from the Streets
Seeker grew up on the streets and has been seeking methods of gaining power ever since. He was chosen as a supplicant by a powerful, yet-unnamed being. He is a young adult Tiefling. He winds up at Clifftop around the same time three other adventurers do. Seeking books, money and magic, he steps into town with eyes on the local Trading Post. The town is small and underdeveloped. He nearly leaves with little gained, but is intercepted by Kinruglog, (a "goblin") and Karthaul the Magnanimous (a minotaur). They drag him into a tower where he spots a few items of interest. 

He decides to travel with the party in hopes of gaining more power in his travels--and a couple well-built fighters on his side never hurt. His background has been steeped in shadow, and neither Karthaul nor Kinruglog know much about him. 

The golden gauntlet is fused to his arm permanently, and he resummons the Pseudodragon, Wildfyre as needed. More detail about that will be discussed in the synopsis and discussion of our campaign, posted on Youtube weekly by our DM: 

Go check it out! 


I'm building a portfolio of every Playable Character in DragonBastard Games's current D&D Campaign. This is one of several D&D inspired portraits Read More
