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Casestudy - Curated courses a marketplace experiment

Curated courses a marketplace experiment

Increase organic visits to, enrolments/registration of interest in our priority portfolio by providing a more useful, inspiring and trust-building on-site search and browse experience


Problem​​​​​​​ Statement
Course results on our key landing pages are overwhelming, it is difficult for learners to narrow down their choice


User Need 
As a learner, I would like the option to browse courses relevant to my learning, so that I can easily select the right course


Assumption & Opportunity
We assume that if create a personalised bucket courses scannability on the course results page would improve we also assume that the majority of learners are interested in selecting courses based on positive recommendations


Feature Goals
1. Recommend courses based on insight and strategy

2. Improve course discovery

3. Surface relevant courses to prospect learners


Utilise existing components to rapidly test variants. 
Validate the current understanding of what a “popular courses” means
Gathering a consensus on how we would labelling “popular courses”


The Rabbit hole
A collection of visual experiments exploring various layouts

Utilising existing components
We want to build measure & learn fast what components could we utilise for our curated courses experiment?


Selecting an ethical course label
The selection of popular courses is currently managed by the marketing team based on performance factors driven primarily by revenue, for example, conversion, enrollment & partner relationships. Therefore we questioned whether the course should be labelled "Popular Courses" & investigated a list of other potential labels such as Top picks, Futurelearn top picks, Best of Business & Management, Featured courses, Editor’s picks, Staff picks, Our picks, Course Suggestions & Recommended courses in Business & Management


Next steps
Build measure & learn

Research what other naming options appeal to prospective learners

In parallel user test & explore other design/merchandising options



Product Designer
Patricia Ofuono

Jamie Cobbett, Nick Fraenkel, Robert Schultze-Jena & Thao Vo


Casestudy - Curated courses a marketplace experiment

Casestudy - Curated courses a marketplace experiment
