HOPE Technik is a technology company that specializes in providing high performance engineering solutions to modern day problems. They have their hands in security, transportation and logistics systems in and outside of Singapore.

I engaged with HOPE Technik to redo their website, marketing kit creation and company messaging. They had their brand down on pat but was not so confident with their "shop window", their website. Additionally, they were also releasing a drone project for the Singapore, Australian and American military and needed someone to help them package and write for important presentations.

HOPE Technik is through and through a B2B company. They are heavily reliant and military and government contracts. Knowing this, the website had to be written and packaged to draw in specific eyeballs. For instance, the language chosen to draw in military clients would carry a consistent theme of precision, security, durability and technological advancements. HOPE Technik is also very proud of their innumerable certifications when it comes to engineering quality so the inclusion of these achievements also have to be included, without it being overdone.

Given their clientele, BTL marketing is essential for their business. Effective marketing kits and presentations are their company's sole lifeblood
HOPE Technik

HOPE Technik
