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AEG Level Summary Handbooks

Client: AEG English Vietnam    |    Year: Nov 2016

Copywriter Yen Thanh Tran
Editorial Designer Minh Nguyen


AEG English Vietnam needs 12 handbooks for each level of their English classes. My job was to design these. Level summary handbooks were the way for parents to know what their child were learning at school. For students, they can use these handbooks to review their level progress. My goal here was to create handbooks with useful information for both parents and students but still come in a small size that students could easily bring them to class everyday. I also balanced the design so that they were not boring for kids while provided enough information for parents.
My final design was all about clean, colorful Memphis style like children drawings on papers. Besides doing layout and design for 12 different versions, I worked with print shop to select a suitable paper for these summary handbooks.
See more of my work, learn on how I came up with creative ideas, and view some behind the scene exclusive photos!
Portfolio: lemonmin.com  ||  Read more about this project: https://www.lemonmin.com/aeg-handbooks
AEG Level Summary Handbooks

AEG Level Summary Handbooks

I'm Minh Nguyen, an Art Director & Graphic Designer with 3+ years of experience. I designed 12 handbooks for each level of AEG English classes. M Read More
