I was given a project to create an ad campaign for a brand relating it with a social issue. The brand which i chose was Himalayan weavers and the issue was 'exploitation of skilled labour' . I researched thoroughly and created an ad campaign for the same. Given below is a short brief about how the brand works and what all values it evokes.

From the process of washing the himalayan sheep wool to dyeing in it in earthy colours and weaving it to precision we do it all using the primary source of work , our god’s gifted hands. Everything is done manually and is given a personal and relatable touch to it. However in this industry ,specifically, the labour population is denied of their rights and are exploited to the very core. 
Himalyan weavers tries to combat such issues at a much larger scale. They understand the needs of their artisans and bring about facilities for them . The feeling of neglection and unwantedness is not what they aim for. 
Fair pay and shelter facilities cover it up. But to sum it all they are given national recognition through various programmes launched by our brand that showcase their talent and all the hard work they put in to bring about an impactful output. Himalayan weavers is a brand one can connect to . It instantly grabs the eyes making it worth their while.


