127 hours is a great film. That goes without saying. It accomplishes many things. It is fun to watch. It keeps you entertained and makes you laugh. But, there is also another aspect to the film which can be easily missed. It is also a transformative journey.
When the movie begins Aron Ralston is not ready to make the sacrifice. This is the real life story of a man who gets his arm stuck in Blue John Canyon in the Utah dessert. He is alone and nobody can find him. He has no food or water. His choice is simple. He must either die or sacrifice his arm. He chooses the latter.
It is difficult to watch. And there is a build up to the actual deed. But the movie is not done without care. It has its moments. There are flashbacks and hallucinations. Aron remembers his family. He laments for not being a better person. He faces his death and it changes him. It is not said in words, but the signs are all there. Aron undergoes a paradigm shift. He changes for the better.
The movie uses several tricks to make the mundane seem fantastic. It uses humor here and there to lighten the tension. And the music is in perfect harmony with the visuals. The sacrifice itself is not done without taste. It is not gore. But it is honest. There are no dull moments. Something is always going on.
Aron Ralston is a hero. He is a man with a will to live. His story is inspiring. It makes you remember what is important. And that is family and friends. Aron comes to understand that his self independence comes with a cost. And it is this: when nobody knows where you are, they can never find you when you go missing.
As the movie begins Aron is a thrill seeker. He wakes up early, gets his gear and heads outside alone. He forgets his Swiss Army knife. Later in the movie he will need it. But that is not mentioned. Later on he will use a dull knife to sever his arm. But what is focused on is Aron himself.
It is not important for a man to hack away at his arm. That is not this movies selling point. It is his will to live and also his awakening which are important. Aron comes to a realization and it is this. He has been pushing people away his whole life.
He sacrifices his arm in order to survive. He sacrifices a part of his self. Ultimately it is the thought of his friends and family that have given him the will to live. This is a transformation. And it is confirmed by the tone and style of the film.
It is easy to forget that this is based on a true story. And, it is convenient to dismiss this film. Anyone can criticize. It takes a different kind of person to appreciate. Aron realizes it himself at the cost of his own arm.
During the time he spends caught between a rock and a hard place. He learns. He makes the most of what he has. He learns to appreciate the amount of entertainment that can be provided by a simple camera. And he learns to appreciate every drop of water that he can get.
Hopefully we can learn to appreciate the movie for what it is. It is a cautionary tale with an inspirational twist. It is one man’s journey of understanding and awakening. It is a simple reminder that sometimes, a dull knife is better than no knife at all.
127 Film Review

127 Film Review

This is a review of the film 127 Hours. I wrote this for www.timessquare.com


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