Ronald McDonald House Charities SG – Ambush

Do you still remember dropping loose change into the small donation box beside McDonalds counter? That is the donation box for Ronald McDonalds House Charities (RMHC). RMHC helps families stay close to their seriously ill children at the Ronald McDonald House that is right next to the children ICU. Parents will be able to get some rest and most importantly be able to rush to their ill child and make immediate decisions when needed. 

As the world gets digital, McDonalds introduced the Self-Ordering Kiosks. At the end of every order, there will be a button where you can round up your bill or give a donation of $2, $5 or $10.  With just a tap of a button, anyone can show their love and support for RMHC Singapore. 

This Ambush video is to create awareness for RMHC and its donation button。
Client: McDonalds Singapore & Ronald McDonald House Charities Singapore
Video Editor: Chubs Poh Jing Yi
RMHC SG Ambush

RMHC SG Ambush
