Kaspar Manz's profile

Scientific Info Graphics

A collection of info graphics I did over time for various clients and projects, usually within the realm of theatre studies.
Andreas Kotte: Theatergeschichte. Böhlau, Köln 2013
Common theatre history model.
Sliding sets
Various stage technologies throughout time.
Andreas Kotte: Theaterwissenschaft. Eine Einführung. Böhlau, Köln 2005
Illustrations for a presentation on the history of Hypertext models and technology, held at the University of Bern, 2004
Xanadu, Ted Nelson
Memex, Vannevar Bush
HyperCard, Apple Computer
Augment, Douglas Engelbart
Illustration for a presentation on the various acting styles according to Constantin Stanislavski, held at the University of Bern, 2007
Punch tape acting – acting as reproducing a series of movements and actions.
Scientific Info Graphics

Scientific Info Graphics

Illustrations, visualisations and tables for books on theatre studies and theatre history by Prof. Dr. Andreas Kotte. The goal was to bring all i Read More
