Step Across the Border: Kralji vasi

Origin of the name and idea

Village Slapnik is located in Slovenia. Slovenia is situaded in south of the Central Europe. 
Slovenia borders Italy in the west, Austria in north, Hungary in northeast and Croatia in east and south. Slapnik is 
in county Goriška Brda in the west side of Slovenia. The abandoned village in the upper part of Goriška. Brda is located on 360 meters altitude on a very steep terrain. One of many grapevines, which has grown on this terrain testifies on previous good living conditions and lively throb of the village. Village Slapnik beside its outstanding nature also offers a great view on valley Kožbana and Italian hills. The village with its natural goods, its a perfect place for everyone who wants to live in a quiet and easy-going nature, distant from the city. Our goal group are homeless people from Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. 

The motto ‘‘STEP ACROSS A BORDER’’ in our case represents a border or a turning point in life of homeless people. This border represents two different lifes of homeless people: the life on the street, where they are on their own and a new life, which we offer them in our village Slapnik. In Ljubljana live around 400 of homeless people. 
They are helped by humanitarian organisation Kralji ulice. Because we all know that homeless people didnt end up on the streets by their fault its fair to offer them a new chance to build their lives again, gain a respect from other people and to live equal life as other people. With this »border« homeless people will get basic human goods as food, accommodation and a job, which certainly cant find in this kind of world they live in.

At first there will be organised exursions, on which homeless people will decide if they are prepared to change their lifes on better and to make a step in right direction. Each of them who will decide to start a new life in village Slapnik and live by our program in the village will live together with Slovenian families, so they wont be isolated from the outside world
but we wish for them to live with other people and to gain their trust and become equal part of the society. Each family in the village and each of homeless people will have their own apartment. The main difference between the accomondation of homeless people and families is that homeless people will only have a sleeping area with bathroom for themselves,
with common kitchen and living area. Homeless people will work as assistans on oil plantations, which are under control of families, living in the village. With their work they will pay the expenses for their accommodation, food and they will be also able to save some money. From the first till the last day of their living and working in the village they will be also helped by psychologist. They will be based in the village for around one year and half. In this time they will get the necessary working habits and with a help of psychologist they will learn how to behave correctly in society and how to care for their personal hygiene. At the end of their living in the village, the psychologist will help them to find a job and apartment for their further living somewhere else.

The village Slapnik, which is now abandoned, will live again with our program. Because we want to offer a chance for a new life to as many of homeless people as we can, each year we will struggle to keep the village alive. Not just for a year or two, but forever. 

Lets be better humans and help to a fellowman without prejudice, because under the skin, we are all equal.
Step Across the Border: Kralji vasi

Step Across the Border: Kralji vasi

The homeless would be set up in village Slapnik located in the south of Europe, in the small country of Slovenia. Slapnik lies 360 meters above s Read More
