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Getting the Most Out of Your 10 Kilometer Training Program

If you are running a marathon and want some good 10km training tips, then you will certainly want to take a look at some of the things professional athletes do to stay on their game when it matters the most. When you are in the process of training, you will want to remember that there are different kinds of runs you can go on, depending on what your strategy is.
By taking the time to come up with an actual plan as to how you are going to approach training for a marathon, you will be much more likely to finish in the time you have set for yourself as a goal.
When you do tempo runs for example, you will find that these are a good test of where you are in terms of your ability to run long distances at a semi-fast pace. Tempo runs are definitely useful to anyone who is planning on running a marathon. The main purpose of these is to see what kind of pace you can hold over a long distance. It will test all of the training you have done in the past, so if you are just starting out and haven't made that much progress yet, don't be too discouraged if you are having a hard time with them.
You have to find a nice balance between comfort and discomfort. If you never push past your comfort zone, you will never make progress, however you also do not want to push yourself into an injury. After a while you will get a feel for exactly what you are capable of in terms of pace, timing, and speed. You will obviously want to time yourself to see both small and large improvements over a period of time. It's always good to see how far you have come in your training, so you can know exactly when to take things up a level.
Typically a training period for a marathon consists of anywhere from 8-12 weeks of exercising and strict nutritional-monitoring. It isn't just the runs that you have to pay attention to when you are in training, but also what you are eating. Your diet during the training period will have a significant impact on just how physically able you will be on the day of the race. It is usually recommended that people who are training for this type of an event load up on foods that are high in carbs, such as pasta, chicken (lean meats), and other foods that will give you the bursts of energy that you will need to cross the finish line the fastest.
Being prepared for the day of the race is another aspect of training that sometimes goes overlooked. When you are considering everything you should take with you on the day of, you might want to include a small pack that will go around your waist to hold small snacks and water. That way you will stay hydrated, even if there isn't a station near you to get a drink of water from. You will also be able to snack on healthy granola bars which will also give you the energy required to pull off a race of this length.
When considering everything involved in 10km training, you will also want to focus on your overall rhythm. This is basically your ability to run at a marathon-pace for a certain period of time. On at least some of your practice runs, you should be going 2 miles at the pace you will be using in the race. Remember to warm down afterward, because the last thing you want is to have to deal with a pulled muscle or injury before the big day.
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