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Gift Book for CIMoCA Research Trip

This book was designed as a gift for the people that the Art and Islands team met during the research trip for CIMoCA in China. The book's purpose was to be aesthetic as a gift but also be informative about the previous projects of the foundation. It was designed to be bi-lingual; read from the front in english and from the back in chinese as the respective languages would be read. To see a virtual leaf through please visit
Project in presentation sleeve.
Cover of the book in english and chinese.
English cover.
Chinese cover.
Mission Statement of Art and Islands foundation in english.
Antony Gormley LOT on Castle Cornet, Guernsey.
Antony Gormley Another Time XI , Herm.
Andy Goldsworthy Alderney Stones
Andy Goldsworthy Alderney Stones
Description of the up coming project CIMoCA in english.
Quote from the chinese born artist Cai Guo-Qiang about the project CIMoCA in english and chinese.
Description of the up coming project CIMoCA in chinese.
Andy Goldsworthy Alderney Stones
Andy Goldsworthy Alderney Stones
Antony Gormley Another Time XI, Herm.
Antony Gormley LOT on Castle Cornet, Guernsey
Mission Statement of Art and Islands foundation in chinese.
Gift Book for CIMoCA Research Trip

Gift Book for CIMoCA Research Trip

Bi-Lingual gift book designed for CIMoCA research trip to China representing the past projects of Art and Islands Foundation.
