Yuki Takahata's profile

#MVM19 WEEK2 #S5186392

#MVM19 Week2 Design Brief : LOGO

CLIENT: Lava Lamp Lab
BRIEF: The client is an event lighting company that specialises in interactive lighting. They would like a logo design that incorporates an icon and text “Lava Lamp Lab” Their target audience is hipster start-up companies that have events to promote launches and promotional parties for urban based corporations.
SAMPLE: Following designs were proposed from the client

Proposed sample logos from the client
The final prototype 
The process 

1. Understanding the key factor of the samples which client proposed

2.Creating the draft sketches and images which based on the key factors from the  actual image of "LAVA lamp"
3.Working on Illustrator
Draft #1
 I tried to achieve Neon-sign like a logo. So I picked four primary neon colors and create some draft design with blur effect.
Draft #2
However, I could not achieve the proper neon sign quality as a lack of my skill, so that I decided to move on to Flat Icon design as the client supplied sample.​​​​​​​
Draft #3 for the workshop critique
 I was quite happy with these results, but I thought it looked like a logo for the lamp manufacturing company, so I needed something more "Event LIGHTING." Then I found the sample photo with rainbow colors. I made seven colors pallet from this sample, which could give a variety of colors of lighting.

Suggestion from the critique
- The black are too strong
- Tiny dots effects could not be seen when the logo gets smaller.
- Too much colours.

Following the suggestion, I revised following.
- Black( R 0 B 0 G 0) changed into (R56.G63,B52) to make them more neutral.
- Created the minus offset path of the TYPO. and deleted the outside paths.

-Then, Changed the gradient colour of the Lava lamp.  I selected the 4 colours out of 8.
Thank you for visiting!
#MVM19 WEEK2 #S5186392

#MVM19 WEEK2 #S5186392
