Making a dream come true
Galactic Bar Fight is the first major original release I developed in my career . It was a 4 year effort that went through multiple phases from simple  app lab demo to much fuller featured app lab indie studio release. I was responsible for the vast majority of the core game systems ( weapons, AI , UI , System architecture , data saving, animations, and m ore) , It was also my first serious foray into creative direction ( names , style, writing,   audio decisions, etc.) , social media management , studio leadership and more. It was a lot of work but also one of the crowning achievements of my indiegame development career. 
Galactic Bar Fight , coming to a cantina near you, playable now on the Oculus Quest HERE

​​​​​​​and feel free to visit the website for more perspective of the project and its development here  
***** Older Galactic Bar fight progress below *****
October 2021 Update ! Here's an early preview for GBF 2.0 we're hard at work on an update and this is a rough Work in Progress video to demonstrate the different components and aspects we have been building out !!! Update will be coming soon !!!
First Official Trailer for GBF

This is my VR action game currently in development , it's called Galactic Bar fight.  In it you play as a Space pirate who walks into a dance club on the far reaches of the galaxy  .  Either through your own violence or one of the other ruffians actions a bar fight breaks out and your goal is to fight your way through hordes of enemies  . I am the programmer and  the game designer of this project and my responsibilities have included programming the weapon mechanics, AI systems , developing the Animation flows, and integration with the AI systems,  the UI design , the very ismplistic art design and art asset sourcing ( for assets I purchased) as well as finding the various audio  ,  and more . 
Update 1 -25-2020 : 
I had a really hard time trying to think of how to display player damager in VR and how I'd reset the player , enemies , and environment for each of their " lives" . So I combined an idea I had for displaying health projection holograms and my friends kept telling me an antigravity affect would be awesome so I decided to try to incorporate it so now when a player takes damage they release an antigrav burst which causes the enemy characters to float and turns them into floating targets while the player gets about a 20 second reset to reorient themselves, catch their breath , and reasses the environment . I still have to hammer out some ( a lot) of kinks but I'm happy with the 1st pass result so far !
Update 11-30-19 this week I focused on  getting the central bar arena / environment into the game  and including a few small props to add onto the techiness of the environment . The enemies animate and the  all this before the mayhem breaks out and the fighting starts .
11 - 30- 19 update This week I focused on getting a bladed weapon working , I was really committed to the idea of this blade slicing through enemies so I looked for a mesh slicing package and converted my enemies to ragdolls and  I'm happy to report not only does it work well but it's a lot of fun slicing through enemies.  This may be the most fun I've had working on a weapon in any of the games I've worked on.
GBF Earliest prototype with full Gameplay Loop Summer 2019
I was inspired by a friend of mines art work , this idea of a cool space bar hangout / club which people would relax, get a drink at, and then  potentially break out into  shower of Laser beams , firing blasters, and aliens waster all over the place. 

Based solely off of his piece of concept art I decided I wanted to prototype / build a game that would be akin to a space bar fight .  A place where players could get a drink and blast a hole in somebody.

I wrote all of the logic for shooting the guns, the  flying entering space intro , the enemies  shooting and moving behavior , the scoring system , etc.  It's stil learly and needs some polish so stay tuned !
Galactic Bar Fight

Galactic Bar Fight

A VR shooter prototype I am building / designing for the Oculus Quest.
