For this project I was tasked with designing a wordmark, icon, and logo for a farmer's market vendor. Throughout this process I needed to create a contract, conduct an interview, brainstorm, and then create a logo that my client would enjoy and benefit from. This project took a lot of preparatory steps before I ever began computer rendering. 

I started by drawing up a contract which outlined the project responsibilities, purpose, and trajectory. I then stockpiled a series of questions to ask my client in hopes of gaining insight into their company. After I met with them, and saw what Gumbo Farms was all about, I began the brainstorming process. 

Sketching and mind mapping helped me narrow down my ideas.  I then chose my three favorite wordmarks, icons, and logos to computer generate. These were in black and white to see if the designs still conveyed their message alone without color accents. My peers and I deliberated and chose the designs seen above. After making some suggested adjustments, I then moved forward with adding color. I sent the design to the client for feedback. (He loved it!!) He only requested that mud be incorporated somehow, and I happily found a way to implement it!

I learned valuable skills from this project. The main thing that I think benefits me the most was the experience of building a contract and interaction with a client. I loved the collaborative aspect of it. Being able to design a logo that encapsulated their vision and company values was so rewarding. I'm excited about this projects outcome and to be able to design more! 

Gumbo Farms Logo

Gumbo Farms Logo


Creative Fields