Chris McNally (Falcon)'s profile

Improving the Affordability of Fusion Power

Improving the Affordability of Fusion Power
The president of Falcon Project Quality Management, also known as Falcon Enterprises Associates, Chris McNally has worked in the construction industry for almost 30 years. During that time, Christopher “Chris” McNally has developed a professional interest in supporting clean energy.

Fusion, a form of nuclear power, has the ability to provide near-limitless amounts of electricity. This would not only slow climate change but also improve the lives of people around the world. Unfortunately, this form of clean energy is expensive, which stands in the way of its widespread adoption.

Recently, researchers in South Korea discovered a way to reduce the cost of fusion power by figuring out how to predict and calm explosive bursts known as edge-localized modes, which when left alone can cause permanent damage. The researchers controlled edge-localized modes in fusion reactors via the use of a magnetic field. While other factors, including the economy, still affects the cost of fusion reactors, reducing maintenance costs is a big step toward making fusion energy more affordable and desirable.
Improving the Affordability of Fusion Power

Improving the Affordability of Fusion Power


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