Madelena Montiel's profile

Interactive Education

Client: International Business Machines (IBM) 
Services:  Content Strategy, Writing, Project Management
Project:  Interactive Training, Employee Education
Topics:  HR policies, Business Controls, Business Travel & Expense

This is required training for IBM managers' worldwide. I was the Project Lead and supervised all aspects of the program's development, production and adoption: 

* Developed, distributed and analyzed surveys 
* Gathered research from stakeholders (HR, Tax, Legal, etc.)
* Produced content: storyboards, writing, testing, collection of screenshots, feedback management, scheduling, budgets
* Rolled out across 100 countries: Executive/Local sponsorship, News Articles/ Email reminders, Troubleshooting, User Support, Reporting
* Provided Screen Reader (Accessible) version 

Writing and creative direction:  
* 9 knowledge check questions
* 12  Interactive slides with pop-ups, Q&A windows 
* 6 videos / ethics scenarios 

Interactive Education


Interactive Education

Content Strategy, Copy and Technical Writing, Learning Development: Website management, content management, technical writing, tutorials & learni Read More
