QUT Imapact Lab 2: Design Intensive - A Tradie's Mate
Group Members: Kyllian Tiegs, Sarah Qian, Bel Fleming, Tom Farries and James Curtis

Recently my group and I participated in a design intensive for QUT. In this project we were given 2 and a half days to help make the Trademutt brand more influential through the use of an iterative design process. We accomplished this by first identifying the problems then began to brainstorm possible solutions. I believe we all worked well together as a team and produced an effective solution – ‘A Tradie’s Mate’. This is an app that connects tradies together and tries to normalize talk around mental health. It has a variety of features including a one on one anonymous message feature and an event organizer. Below are some pictures of our process.

A Tradie's Mate

A Tradie's Mate


Creative Fields