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Blood Cancer Treatment


Fighting Cancer Is Our Goal. We Can Do It It’s In Our Soul!

What Is Blood Cancer?

Blood cancer occurs when something goes wrong with the development of your blood cells. This prevents them from working correctly, and they may grow out of control.
This can prevent your blood from making the things it usually does to keep you healthy, like fighting off infections or helping repair your body.

Types of the Blood Cancer:

The main types of blood cancer are:​​​​​​​

How Does Blood cancer start?

Cells are the small building blocks that our bodies are made of. Every second of every day, your body is refreshing your cells by building new ones and finishing old ones.
DNA is a substance within your cells. It's a kind of code that guides how cells grow, behave, and die. DNA is made up of small segments known as genes and packed into chromosomes in your cells.
If the DNA changes (mutates) in the stem cells that make your blood cells in your bone marrow, your blood cells might begin to develop improperly (abnormally) or fail to die when they should. These are the 'cancerous' or cancer cells.

The type of blood cancer you have usually depended on the type of blood cell that's affected.

Leukemia appears when your leukocytes (white blood cells) become harmful.
Lymphoma happens when your lymphocytes (a specific type of white blood cell) grow 

Myeloma happens when your plasma cells (a type of B lymphocyte) grow harmful.

What causes blood cancer?

Faults cause all blood cancers in our DNA (mutations). In almost all cases these additions to our DNA occur for reasons we can't explain and are linked to something we can't control.
While in most cases we don't know precisely what causes the changes to DNA that can lead to blood cancer, research has revealed that several things can affect how likely you are to receive certain types of blood cancer.

These 'risk factors' include:​​​​​​​

family history,
radiation or chemical exposure, 
Some health conditions and treatments
blood cancer, choose a sample from the menu.

The risk circumstances vary between the different types of blood cancer. For example, we know that myeloma only affects adults and is much more common in men and people from an African-Caribbean background, whereas Hodgkin lymphoma develops typically in people aged 15-25 or over 50, and people who already have difficulties with their safe system.

To find out more about the risk parts for a particular type of blood cancer, choose a sample from the menu.

Is there anything I can do to prevent or lower my risk of blood cancer?

Unlike any other cancers, lifestyle circumstances such as your diet or levels of exercise have little impact on your risk of acquiring blood cancer. Nevertheless, we encourage people to lead a healthy lifestyle, including having a balanced diet and being physically active regularly; this can help reduce the risk of producing a range of conditions.

Bone marrow and how blood cells are produced

Bone marrow is a spongy substance found in the center of some of your bones, before-mentioned as the back of your hips. It’s made up of blood veins, fat, and tissue that makes blood cells (hemopoietic tissue).

How are blood cells made?

Blood cells start in your bone marrow as a type of cell called a stem cell.
The stem cells then divided to generate either lymphoid stem cells or myeloid stem cells.Lymphoid stem cells Produce to form lymphocytes (white blood cells that help fight diseases).

Myeloid stem cells go on to form red blood cells, platelets, and different types of white blood cells.

They then move from your bone marrow into your blood and other components of your body anywhere they develop into fully grown (mature) blood cells.

Your body needs to keep continually producing blood cells. It's when something goes wrong with the development of your blood cells in your bone marrow that you may receive blood disease.

If everything's regularly working, your body makes the right number of each type of cell to keep you healthy. If there are too simple or too few of any blood cell, this can make you unwell

Common blood cancer symptoms explained.

Blood cancer can mean that you don't have the best stability of various types of blood cell. You might have too many of a kind of cell and not sufficient of another. This list describes what causes the most Common symptoms of blood cancers.

Unexplained rash, bruising or bleeding
Infections / unexplained fever
Lumps and swellings
Bone pain
Drenching night sweat
sItchy skin
Unexplained weight loss
Abdominal (stomach area) problems

How does blood cancer affect the immune and lymphatic systems?

If the blood cells that fight infection become destructive, they don't do their job correctly, and your body finds it much harder to fight diseases.
Certain types of treatment, such as chemotherapy can also put you at risk of infection because they kill off healthy blood cells that usually help to fight infections.
This means some people with blood cancer get more new diseases, and they may be more severe. If this interests you, your healthcare team can let you know about the ways to disgrace your risk.
Any types of blood cancer can cause difficulties with your lymphatic system – for example, if you have lymphoma, abnormal lymphocytes may clump in your lymph nodes, causing visible swelling in your groin, armpit or neck. It may also cause your spleen to swell.

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Blood Cancer Treatment

Blood Cancer Treatment


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