Save the Tigers
T-Shirt Design
Assigned in my Design Illustration 2 class, the project called for a shirt design of an endangered species. Immediately, I thought of a tiger. I knew I could go crazy with the stripes, so my emphasis was almost entirely on the linework. Difficult at first, creating each and every line in illustrator gave it a nice graphic look.
Once I got the initial linework done, I went ahead and took watercolor to paper. I knew I would need texture for the fur, so with that in mind I did the following watercolor sketches.
Once I had my lines and my texture, I merged the two together. It took a while to get the right effects I wanted. The rustic look of the finished product definitely lends itself to the idea of a dying species.
As for type, I went for something simple and easy to read. I didn't want to take focus from the tiger from my type so keeping it minimal was a must.
I love the subtle orange and red that turned up in the final result. The project received an A- upon completion. The type was said to be too disconnected from the tiger which I completely agree with. If I were to redo this project I would have incorporated the type within the linework, which could have looked really good or really bad.
This work is the sole property of Patrick Lowden and may not be used or redistributed without permission.
© 2013
Save the Tigers

Save the Tigers

A T-shirt design created for my design illustration class. "Save the Tigers!"
