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Quantum Computers & Quantum Physics in Health

Quantum Computers and Quantum Physics and Health

The fact that you’ve arrived at this page says several things about you.
You have an unquenchable curiosity for what’s new.
Hearsay gives you no satisfaction.
Quantum physics has always intrigued you.
Vibrant health is high on your list of priorities.

Fair enough?
Perfect!  The Quantum Health Journal is just what you’re looking for.
So what’s the Quantum Health Journal anyway?
It’s a once or twice monthly e-newsletter exploring what’s happening at the intersection of quantum physics and health, bridging some very old traditions with leading edge healing methods.  And finding ways to improve not just our individual and collective health, but the health of our planet as well.
If any of this sounds good to you, sign up below. It’s free and you can unsubscribe at any time.
“We must assume our existence as broadly as we in any way can. Everything, even the unheard-of, must be possible in it. That is at bottom the only courage that is demanded of us: to have courage for the most strange, the most singular and the most inexplicable that we may encounter.”

Quantum Computer, Physics and Health?

It’s common knowledge that the physical world we see is something of an illusion.
We’ve been told that what appears to be solid is mostly “empty space”. This paradox emerges from the domain of quantum physics, a revolutionary shift in thinking that rocked science a century ago and continues to do so today.
For many, quantum physics evokes images of Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr locked in raucous debate.  For some, it’s mind-bending concepts like Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle or Schrödinger’s cat – at once both dead and alive – that first come to mind.  Yet for others, it’s the dreamlike notion that we’re just one of many clones living in countless parallel worlds.

But quantum physics is far more than a catalogue of heady ideas. Arguably, no other theory provides such a compelling blueprint for reality.
Quantum physics accounts for the behavior of particles that flit in and out of existence so swiftly their detection depends on some of the most sensitive instruments ever developed. But quantum physics goes well beyond the realm of the very small.  It also sheds light on aspects of life that until very recently defied explanation.

For example, we now have a framework for understanding how energy transfer occurs at the cellular level without any loss as heat by a process called electron tunneling. On a larger scale, quantum physics explains how Continuum Movement founder, Emilie Conrad, performed wildly acrobatic dance while sensitive recordings failed to show any evidence of neuromuscular transmission.

Moreover, quantum physics is helping us decipher phenomena as diverse as spontaneous healing, how prayer can positively influence recovery from surgery, and why massage therapists sometimes – some would say often – elicit deep seated memories of trauma in their clients during treatment.

The Quantum Health Journal aims to foster a greater awareness and appreciation for the impact of quantum physics on biology, and the implications for health and medicine.
Who reads the Quantum Health Journal?

What else can you expect from the Quantum Health Journal? How about:
new insights into why acupuncture and Ayurveda can effectively resolve conditions when conventional medicine fails interviews with practitioners of holistic approaches such as resonance (holographic) repatriating or emotional freedom technique
reviews of health products not yet detected by the mainstream… and so much more.
Quantum Biology and the NES Health Total Wellness System When I started the Quantum Health Journal I wasn’t sure how often I’d write, which subjects I’d cover or how my research might alter my career. As it happens, my submissions have been infrequent and therefore they cover limited territory.

Integral Cardiology – the Heart Care of the Future I want to share with you stories of 2 patients that illustrate a major shortcoming of the current day practice of Cardiology. The first involves a 40-year-old woman who visited an emergency room complaining of chest pain, high blood pressure and difficulty sleeping.

The Matrix In Consciousness and Amit Goswami’s Quantum Doctor – Part 1, we saw that consciousness and the mind are outside the brain. The evidence posed was limited, but enough to cause even the staunchest advocates of the upward causation model to question their views.

Quantum Computers & Quantum Physics in Health

Quantum Computers & Quantum Physics in Health



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