Client: Game Changer Business Solutions Inc.
Agency: Freelance
Role: Graphic designer
Output: Branding, Collateral design
Year: 2016-2018
About the Project
Game Changer is a Manila-based consulting agency that offers various marketing and advertising solutions for both local and international clients. Majority of the company’s output is digital, however, they also handle on-site events such as workshops and launches. I was hired in 2016 as the company’s sole freelance Graphic designer, tasked with creating designs for both web and print. During my stint, I was able to complete a large number of job orders from a diverse range of clients.  
Design Concept
The most challenging part of my job at Game Changer was the execution of each client’s brand on to the collaterals. Some brands did not have any brand guidelines at all, so I had to work with whatever assets were available. I also developed my directorial and copywriting skills for online campaigns and print collaterals. With the help of stock asset sites like and Pixabay, I was able to successfully and instantaneously design layouts that suited every client requirement without a hitch.
Game Changer

Game Changer
