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Embracing Challenges

Most people that are extremely successful in one field would most likely be successful in almost any field. This is because success is as much dependent on building certain core disciplines as it is having any particular talent in a certain area. One of these core disciplines is the ability to embrace challenges rather than avoiding or running from them. Here are three reasons why embracing challenges can help you become successful.

Overcoming obstacles make you stronger

When a runner wants to improve, they run with weights around their ankles or run up stairs or inclines. This increased level of challenge makes them stronger and faster once they take the weights off or run on a flat surface. No matter what you attempt to do in life, there are going to be any number of obstacles and challenges to overcome, but learning to overcome challenges is a skillset you carry with you. People that have little skill at overcoming challenges will get stopped by the smallest of obstacles. The better you are at overcoming challenges, the more ability you gain to overcome even the largest obstacles and most stubborn challenges.

What we see as a challenge is often an opportunity

Not all challenges are roadblocks or obstacles. In some cases, they end up offering a far better opportunity or experience than we might otherwise have had. For instance, imagine you started getting a degree in college, then decided to transfer universities, which changed the requirements. You could choose to be bitter about this or you could choose to embrace the new opportunities offered by a wider curriculum.

Embracing challenge creates a positive spiral

More often than not, it is attitude more than anything else that determines how successful people are at overcoming challenges, which in turn determines their overall success in life. People who tend to believe they have the ability to overcome obstacles and challenges generally do, which simply gives them increased confidence in their ability to overcome challenges. People who do not believe they have the tools and skills necessary to overcome challenges will often be stopped by the smallest of challenges, which can, in turn, make them bitter and angry and further erode their own confidence.

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Embracing Challenges

Embracing Challenges

Laizer Kornwasser on embracing challenges.


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