About the Event

Selenium is a web browser check automation tool. The workshop can tell beniifit and and elements of selenium to modify participants to be able to write smart automation scripts. additionally to scripting in selenium, this workshop also will cover samples of Automation frameworks victimization selenium and different advanced topics associated with selenium

In this course, you'll expertise to figure with information Driven Framework and Keyword Driven Framework and perform browser testing with selenium internet drivers. The pre-requisite for this course is basic data of Core Java and have bound data and skill in programming, however, it's not a requirement. you can check out this Selenium tutorial before joining the course.

About Selenium

Selenium is an open-source tool that is used for test automation. It is licensed under Apache License 2.0. Selenium is a suite of tools that helps in automating only web applications. Selenium has the support of some of the largest browser vendors who have taken (or are taking) steps to make Selenium a native part of their browser. It also provides a test domain-specific language (Selenese) to write tests in a number of popular programming languages, including C#, Groovy, Java, Perl, PHP, Python

Who should attend

-Fresher's who are seeking Job in IT industry. Adding Selenium to your profile will make   you stand out of the crowd.
-Engineers working in support sector and looking for a switch can also add flavors of   Selenium to your profile.
-Software Testers who wants to start with automation testing
-Software Testers who wants to get an automation testing job
-Automation testers who want to upgrade their skills
-QA engineers.
-Experienced professionals from IT or Non-IT background having basic knowledge of   software testing and wants to explore automation testing skills.
-Those who want to learn automation testing process and frameworks

For any inquiries you can always reach us at sales@intellipaat.com or call us at + 91-7022374614.
Selenium tutorial

Selenium tutorial


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