Painting takes me to a different realms of existence, or so I'd like to believe.
It is easy to let one go, as if i'm handling control to something or someone which is not me.
Energy emerges, melting shadow and light, transforming. Some people say I paint flowers...
I think sinergy. Life. Flow.
Sometime something comes out and stays there for sometime
But the work is not finished...yet
There is a small voice saying : something is missing, the feeling is not complete, you haven't got there yet...
and you put the brushes aside and only wait till that day when you feel the need to go back to where you left
some colors come alive...
have I arrived yet? I don't know...yet.
Meanwhile, others take presence...This is "inmersion" 
rain. When it rains over hot , vapor goes up water comes dowh
Painting Sinergy

Painting Sinergy

An attempt to show and explain the way energy flows through some of my art.
