kevin kevin's profile

Kevin Grateful Kev

Kevin Grateful Kev

through every aspect of my life trying to knit pick my life, collect information, then create fictional stories by applying this to that. Example, you bought a cowboy hat at 40 years old, so we are going to tell the world that you are a schizophrenic, and think you are the Grateful Dead Skull in your 16 year old picture. Apply a purchase of a hat at 40 with a watercolor painting at 16, then disseminating these lies WORLDWIDE to ril the masses against me. This is just one example of endless lies in the 1000's and 1000's like this worldwide. To rile the masses in anger and rage until I am dead and gone, or locked away.
So I wanted to, not only create some Art and keep this Gun in existence due to the importance of it. But also do kind of a image that represents my families thoughts when labeling me a violent paranoid schizophrenic to the world in their anger, rage, and jealousy towards me.
While the art is kind of joking in nature to a horrific situation. You get the idea of what is going on in my families heads with their accusations to the world about me working with Police, NSA/FBI, and Worldwide support

Four Social Media

A joking around Social network profile picture I had years ago, but come back now and then due to my family and polices controversy, now that they have shown that they don't want 
this imagery to exist with the TOY gun DESTROYING my life on every level known to man.
And throwing me in maximum security prison to try to thug and scare me quiet in hopes that I delete all my art with the Toy gun and dispose of the toy gun. The art is now here to stay showing the world that the PREDATORS hunting me, are as GUILTY as can be. This artwork and TOY gun now represent something of EXTREME SIGNIFICANCE. When it comes to peoples freedoms, Protections, and the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. Which I was robbed of, at 5 years old. And shows that people are not SAFE from our own Government who exercise ADOLF HITLER Gangs talking psychological warfare tactics if they flag you. The types of things that Edward Snowden came forward about, and now lives in Russia, and is an enemy of the state.
This picture was held up in a court room, while the prosecutor tried to intimidate me, and use it as circumstantial evidence in insignificant misdemeanors, that were falsified to try to thug me quiet with Jail Time, in Maximum Security Prison, and no fines.
Immediately after the arrests, my father, who I had cut off due to his psychological violence, and terror tactics, was over my house trying to get in to get the GUN which he does not want any existence of to the world. Basically he figured if I was in jail, he could spent as much time as he needed going through my house to find it. While pretending to feed my cat which I did not ask him to do. A cat which Patty Googin, his employee when I was 16, who got mad at me for painting the picture manipulated me into getting after my father had his criminal thug and paid to stalk me, office manager Lorena Escobar Rehire me in my mid 30's.
Showing his guilt and how much he doesn't want anything that shows I have done nothing wrong in any way shape or form to exist to the world. These toy gun pictures on the Internet to the world, are very dangerous in showing who he really is, and what he has done to my life.

When I turned 30 years old, for my 30th Birthday, a girl sent after me, Victoria walker, gave me this toy gun in a surprise box (A present I gave to Kelly Hatch sent after me at 20, with oil and water toys, and black light things).
The reason my father with the Police had her give me the Gun was because my father wanted to see if I had any guilt when she gave it to me in front of him. This gun basically sat in a box or closet for years until the early 2000's when I got into Studio Photography, and the Gun made a good prop.
Once again my father and those involved going ballistic saying that this harmless picture is creating chaos and is violent in nature. Despite the billions of similar photos with models and guns no one could care less about. The reason he flipped out, is because by this gun becoming public to the world, that he was trying to get coerced false confessions from me, proves that there is no GUILT on my part from this gun or any other. Yet the police have been hunting me with my family saying I might own a gun. But yet the 2nd Amendment says I have the right to bear arms.
Thus proving that, this is not about any actual gun. But a gun that incriminates my father in a crime. At this point I was hunted by a girl named Aubrey Fisher, who referred me to a website called where they have and are with worldwide support MAYHEMING me to death with psychological terror operations to end my life. A girl sent after me by Rodie Morales working with the LAPD, in frame job operations trying to make it look like I killed someone. In endless other operations like this.
This girl Lilly Love (Christina) wanted to do a photo shoot with me, and after this picture was taken. worked on me with WORLDWIDE support and notifying their entire user base to get rid of me. Then eventually, when they could not, banned me to cover up their crimes. And make sure my photography could not be online. Probably mostly related to this Gun picture. Do to the fact that I have been arrested with all sorts of questions about Guns and this fantasy picture, as well as a joking social network profile picture with the toy gun. Things no one could normally care less about especially with the Police. Now the police are trying to cover up these operations saying at 29, I just snapped and went crazy and am a violent paranoid schizophrenia. A danger to myself and others. Leaving out the Death Threats by Mike Huntley telling me in so many words that he is working with the Police in his 25 years of befriending me. And I am pretty much a dead man with worldwide support. Which gets a lot more complex. Hence, they don't want any proof of crimes existing.
My World Wide Targeting info
Kevin Grateful Kev

Kevin Grateful Kev

Kevin Grateful Kev


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