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Alcohol free: Malabar

Develop a new brand concept and packaging design for an alcohol free spirit. 

My concept was to engage non - drinkers through flavour, creating an exotic spirit. ‘Malabar’ is an alcohol free gin, made to enjoy for the taste rather than the alcohol. The drink encourages consumers to try alcohol - free by creating an experience, allowing you to add your own spices. 

The ingredients and spices originate from the former Malabar region in India. The area is famous for its history as a major spice trade centre. The route to the region was discovered by a Portugese explorer, Vasco da Gamma, on his maiden voyage, allowing the regions spices to become available to the world. The drink would be available in bars with the option to add various garnishes from the region, enhancing the flavour. The bottle would also be sold in shops with a booklet to allow people to recreate the experience at home.

DISCLAIMER: Some of the images used in this project have been found online and edited to help visualise the project.
Alcohol free: Malabar