"Mona Lisa" (After da Vinci)
"Venus of Urbino" (After Titian)
"Grand Odalisque" (After Ingres)
"Luncheon on the Grass" (After Manet)
"Dancer Steated (Study)" (After Degas)
"Woman on Stripped Sofa with Dog" (After Cassatt)
"Dancers Practing at the Barre" (After Degas)
"Dancer" (After Degas)
"Woman and Elephant" (After Homer)
"On the Fence" (After Homer)
"Rest Work (After Millet)" (After van Gogh)
"The Bath" (After Cassatt)
"The Pensive Reader" (After Cassatt)
"Blue Nude" (After Picasso)
Self Portraits

Self Portraits

For these works I concentrated on painted portraits from art history as a way to contemporize them from my, a college students, perspective. I us Read More


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