Hyun Cho's profile


Environment mapping 
This is class project for Physical computing class.

We built three sensing stations that each consist of an XBee wireless radio transmitter that has three sensors connected: a temperature sensor, a brightness sensor and a vibration sensor. Everything is soldered onto a little breadboard and connected to a battery holder that contains two AA batteries that provide 3 volts to the XBee.
We put these sensing stations in the big studio/lounge opposite to the sensor lab and collected the data for one day. The fourth XBee was put into the sensor lab and connected to a laptop running Processing that collected the data. 
The sensing station send their values twice a second to the receiver. We used an XBee library for Processing recognize the data that the XBees sent into their API mode. In Processing, the data is gathered and the values for five measurements are averaged and saved to a text file. To create a more meaningful visualization, we decided to sense different parts of a room and visualize the changes over time in an abstract animation.

As a result, we collected 12 hours of data from each sensor, and mapped each values to our visualization based on parameters we made. It creates 3 random particles every time program runs, and changes color based on changes in temperature, transparency based on brightness value, and vibration rate based on vibration sensor's changes in value. 

Credit to :
Hyun Cho
Jan Ko

Processing visualization from Openprocessing.org and modified to work with our data.


sensing the environment
