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The Specialty of Lenticular Printing Technology

Before going into lenticular printing, you must know that what exactly the term ‘Lenticular’ stands for. Usually, lenticular means a series of images are combined to yield one final file and afterward imprinted on to the lens. The lens has little material edges that refract light so as to make motion or depth effects when the lenticular is turned.

When it comes to lenticular, most of the people contradict it with the term hologram. But unfortunately, this is a misnomer. Both the terms are different in own way. In general, a hologram is normally monochromatic and made with laser light reflected onto an emulsion. On the flip side, lenticular printing imitates full color, photographic-quality pictures in a scope of impacts from transforms to animations to 3D Depth.
Even, it can be stated that Lenticulars are widely used in the field of print advertising as an unavoidable medium. In fact, there are various effects available in this lenticular which are discussed below-

Flip: It is the most basic effect in lenticulars. In this case, one image flips from one to another form immediately with a brisk turn of the wrist. It is the most cost-effective way to produce a better result.

Animation: It incorporates 12 edges of activity; be that as it may, all frames ought to be structured with congruity and ease.

3D Depth: This is the most sought after effect which can create real 3D Depth on a card without the utilization of 3D glasses. It is mostly used in the recent influx of 3D films.
Zoom: Zoom pictures jump out at your gathering of people in dazzling 3D.

Morph: This impact offers an increasing point by point flip, where one picture actually changes into the following.

If we are talking about the pricing of this printing technology, we can say that it is quite affordable. In addition, with the advent of technology, the clearness of lenticulars has improved incredibly. These are broadly used to create various sizes of the large 3d photo,3D business cards, 3D postcards, full-size posters, etc. It takes at least 3 weeks to create proficient, offset printed lenticulars.

You can find the best source online to avail it. You can also take lenticular printing training from them.
Contact Us
Guangzhiyuan 3D Technology Co., Limited
Add: 107, NO.165, Jiangcui Road, Jianghai, 
Jiangmen, Guangdong, China
mailing no.:529000
Mobile: 0086-13528341661
QQ: 450449469
whatsapp: +8613528341661
Email: gt3dphoto@aliyun.com
     : jmgzy3d@gmail.com
   : china3d@aliyun.cn
The Specialty of Lenticular Printing Technology

The Specialty of Lenticular Printing Technology


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