is a location based service helping users to always go out to places with people they have a something in common with e.g. creative types, expats, students etc.

From the first day our team of developers, designers and marketers came together, we agreed that the entire team will build everything with a central focus on UX linked to our vision. The clean design, use of minimal obtrusive colours and yet bright calls to action are part of that philosophy of focusing on user experience.

The site flow was wireframed to get a user to the important information as quickly as possible with clear calls to action at every stage. The home page aims to give a rapid visual overview of key stages of the service. We've looked to address problems with bounce rates by allowing them to skip pages or clearly state, in a unique way, the options they have on privacy. The focus is on meeting people via common tags and so the peoples faces and matching tags stand out clearly to generate excitement at seeing those common attributes. A lot of the 'share' type buttons are hidden until the user wants to interact with that part of the site, allowing for a cleaner but still functional interface.

LikeOurselves is a location based service helping users to always go out to places with people they have a something in common with e.g. crea Read More
