Amber McGovern's profile

ots 2 - Multi exposure

Multi exposure practicing
To begin this process I first cropped my image to how I wanted it and i then selected the image of myself using the quick select tool and then I clicked on select and mask to refine the hair and the skin. I feathered the selection by 0.5 and I then duplicated the layer. 
Once the layer was duplicated It cut the model from the background and i deleted the original layer as there was no need for it anymore. From here i went onto adding a solid colour which was white. I desaturated the layer by using the keyboard shortcut cmd u to complete this part of the process

I then went onto the landscape image i had chosen to use for this and i duplicated it and made its location to be the image of myself. I then used the keyboard shortcut cmd t to move it to where i wanted it and before i did this i lowered the opacity to 50 percent so i could see it. Once it was positioned where I wanted this i brought the opacity back up. After this I cmd clicked on the layer of myself and then i clicked on the landscape layer created a layer mask which created a silhouette of my image.
After this i pressed option and dragged my layer with the image of me and brought it to the top which duplicated the layer. I then changed the blending mode to lighten and i brought the opacity down to 50%. Then I created a white layer mask.
After this I then clicked on the paint brush tool and changed my brush to a soft brush with the opacity at 40% and with black i increased the actual density of the landscape image. Once I was happy with this i went onto the landscape layer and I used the brush tool with black to bring my face back through and I kept shifting between the two layers to create the type of look that i wanted. 

Then I duplicated the landscape layer and dragged it to the to the top and then deleted the layer mask. I then added a black layer mask and painted it with a white brush and used it to get rid of the gap between my plaits and to also get rid of the outline of the top of my head, which made the landscape image look like my hair. This didn't work as well as I had hoped but It still shows the basic skills and techniques i used to get to this point. I actually preferred how the image looked just as a silhouette.  I then added another solid colour and made it a blue colour and i changed the blending mode to multiply.
ots 2 - Multi exposure

ots 2 - Multi exposure


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