Albert Balbutin Jr.'s profile

The Mt. Pulag Tree-mouse

This little mouse can only be found on one single mountain in the entire world: Mt. Pulag, Philippines.

Meet the Mt. Pulag Tree-mouse (Musseromys beneficus).
It's as big as a saba banana (small plantains), about 3 inches long!
Other species like this beautiful Dendrochilum cinnabarinum can be found in the same habitat where the Mt. Pulag Tree-mouse can be found.
Millions of years ago the Philippines was predominantly covered in water, possibly contributing to the unique speciation of all the mice and rats living there at that time.

Below are preliminary notes and sketches, and the final infographic.
Learn more about this species (with sources):

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The Mt. Pulag Tree-mouse


The Mt. Pulag Tree-mouse
