Death Row Trees 
Over a hundred years old, tagged to die.
Growing up on the west coast of Canada I was lucky enough to enjoy the majestic beauty of old growth forest in Stanley Park, located in Vancouver, BC, Canada. I often wondered, but never gave it much thought, as to why certain trees were tagged with spray paint. Then one week I took a picture of a tagged tree and when I came back the following week it was gone. That's when I realized what was happening. So, I started taking photos of all the tagged trees and sure enough, over time they all disappeared. 
I found out from the Parks Board that these trees were deemed unsafe due to climate change causing extremely windy storms on the coast. "They could possibly fall down and kill someone" a Parks worker told me. I decided to capture as many as I could so they could be remembered.
As the trees get old, weak and can't quite stand up straight, they are tagged, cut down and then forgotten. So my goal was to change that just a little bit.
Thanks for taking the time to remember.
Death Row Tree

Death Row Tree


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