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Lucky Charms - Marshmallow Power

So childhood nostalgia suddenly struck hard and I ended up making character designs inspired by the Lucky Charms cereal marshmallows. I based them on the official magic powers they were given by General Mills, but with some tweaks. I was also partially inspired by the Clow Cards from Cardcaptor Sakura.

For reference, here is the commercial that first introduced the marshmallow powers in 2006, and here is the series of webisodes that spun off from it.
Here is another commercial showing off their powers.

Heart. Their canon power is LIFE, so I didn’t really change much. Official materials showed this power being used to bring inanimate objects to life. I also vaguely remembered one of the cereal box puzzles implying that Lucky used it to survive a balloon crash, so in my version Heart also has healing powers. She started out looking like a nurse then morphed into a nun/bishop/saint.

Star. Their canon power is FLIGHT, so I didn’t need to change a thing. Basically based him off Peter Pan lol.

Horseshoe. Their canon power is SPEED, but I changed it to super STRENGTH. With the addition of the hourglass marshmallow and its time powers a few years later, I feel speed would be rendered redundant. I happened to instinctively come up with a buff horse-man design and figured “Ah well, why not just change his power?” Though I suppose one could argue with super strength you’d have stronger legs and longer endurance so you could definitely run faster than normal, so that’s one way to tie back to his original power.
I know the cereal now has a unicorn marshmallow as part of its new permanent line-up, but I swear it was a complete coincidence that I decided to make my horse-man a unicorn too (it takes like zero effort to add a horn, lol).

Clover. Their canon power is LUCK, so I didn’t need to change a thing here either. I basically stole her hair from Yotsuba lol. I like to think that her power functions in the same way was Andrew Smitty’s from the webcomic Gunnerkrigg Court, which has been described as “manipulating probability to create order from chaos”. I opted to use the original clover shape for their symbol instead of the current clover hat.

Blue Moon. Their canon power is INVISIBILITY. I expanded their power to ERASE (I totally stole the name from The Erase Clow Card, lol), so it includes being able to temporarily erase only parts of things, a la invisibility and intangibility. He can also permanently erase things, which comes in handy when removing obstacles, but I imagine it requires a lot of energy. Visually, I was inspired by Carnival of Venice outfits.

Pot of Gold. Their canon power is ILLUMINATION. I expanded their power to REVEAL. Aside from creating bright lights, he can also dispel deceitful glamours and illusions, and be used to tell if someone is lying. Can also maybe point out directions.
Rainbow. Their canon power is TRAVEL. My friend pointed out how redundant it would be with Shooting Star’s flying powers, so I changed their power to CONJURE. They can create illusions and temporary physical manifestations of anything they imagine. Also inspired by Carnival of Venice outfits as well as the Clow Cards that have jester character designs.

Red Balloon. Their canon power is FLOAT. I just renamed it to the fancier version LEVITATE. In the commercial, Lucky used Balloon like a hot air balloon, and again my friend pointed out the redundancies with Star and Rainbow. In my version I like to image Balloon mostly uses her powers as telekinesis. Again, Carnival and jester outfit inspiration.

Hourglass. Their canon power is TIME. No surprise there. I unintentionally made him look like Clow Reed.

Hidden Key. This was a limited edition marshmallow, released around 2006. It was shaped like a door, and when you poured milk on it, a key-shaped hole appeared in it. I couldn’t come up with a word them meant both lock and unlock, so I just called their power KEY, lol.
Lucky Charms - Marshmallow Power

Lucky Charms - Marshmallow Power
