THE PROBLEM The sink, as a node in a system of kitchen-specific relationships, is essential for conventional use of the kitchen. Issues arise when users begin to interact with the existing infrastructure. Non-standard pipes, large disposals, mold, condensation and clumsy organizations of space reinforce the dominant paradigm afforded to this area as a storage place for "left-overs". 
    Enhance existing positive conditions and diminish existing negative condition
    Design an integrative kitchen system in which focus is on the kitchen sink
    Rethink the hierarchy and organization of kitchen sink components
    Design the kitchen sink as a modular appliance unit
OVERVIEW In order to better understand the problem as it exists in users' homes, time and energy was invested in learning what was available to users, and how they interacted with existing solutions. The research uncovered insights about the relative importance of the kitchen sink in the kitchen system, as well as pain-points, patterns and themes. 
MARKET SURVEY Category audit was conducted in order to understand the product landscape, the competition, and the dominant paradigms.
SHADOWING Observations were conducted in the users' home during a time when kitchen activity was high.
INTERVIEWS Questions were strategically aimed at understanding the habits and preferences of users in the kitchen system, specifically referring to the space underneath the kitchen sink. 
THEMES & PATTERNS All observed users had a space underneath their kitchen sink to which they admitted was under-utilized and neglected.
INACCESIBILITY... It was observed that the most basic issue with the area underneath the kitchen sink was that it was low to the ground and thus diffictul to reach.
... & CONFUSION Because this space is seldom accessed, and because there are relatively few design cues to communicate this space's functionality, a hodge-podge of items are stored underneath the kitchen sink.
CENTRAL PIVOT While shawdowing, an observation was made that subjects movements centered around the kitchen sink.
STACKING While shadowing, an observation was made that subjects would balance priority dishes and pans on the separation between the bays of the kitchen sink. 
AFFINITY DIAGRAMMING Research observations were transferred to Post-it notes for easy manipulation. As a wall was populated with observations, patterns, themes and abstracted insights emerged. 
ORGANIZATION Observations were organized into the following "buckets". 
    Objects in the kitchen
    Activities in the kitchen
    Connections in the kitchen 
PERSPECTIVES Game changing products tend to dominate future competition based on the first-to-market principle. Aiming for game changing design is essential to the success of a product - this requires reframing the mental model of the problem. Subsequent solutions refer to the revolutionary conception of the problem, thus creaing revolutionary solutions.
After it was analyzed, the problem was refined in three ways:
    REVEALED Reveal the underside of the sink
    LET IT BE Leverage the negative aspects
    APPLIANCE Design a kitchen sink appliance  
An appliance is a "piece of equipment, usually operated electrically... for use in the home or for performance of domestic chores, [examples:] a refrigerator, washing machine, or toaster."
Useful elements of the Revealed and the Let it Be plans were used in the final three proposals. 
THE CONSUMER For everyday cooks and for those on the go, in households all over the world, the kitchen sink appliance provides a revolutionary and holistic way of experiencing our homes from the kitchen.
DESCRIPTION OF NEEDS Variable and inconsistent use of the space underneath the kitchen sink strongly indicated that this area needs to be streamlined.
THE APPROACH DESCRIBED This new approach serves the user by addressing the sink in its entirety. This appliance eliminates the threat of leaking pipes, pests, and potentially wasted space by focusing on intelligent and uncompromising build quality. 
BUT IS IT BETTER? The sink appliance represents a unique approach to establishing functional connections within the kitchen system.
KEY FEATURE The sink appliance solved the BIG problem by incorporating the sink's infrastructure, (pipes and waste disposal), with other elements of the kitchen system (counter space, trash bin, etc.). The result is a compact, independent appliance that can be bought together to match the users' other kitchen appliances.  
RETAIL The appliance will be available wherever other kitchen appliances are sold. These should include, (but are not limited to): department stores and home improvement retailers. Brick and mortar stores will offer popular customizations. Further customization may occure online. 
SERVICE The appliance will have a warranty that covers manufacture defects for at least one year after sale. This warranty includes serice by a specialized technician. The customer can update the appliance by contacting the company via catalog, internet, or authorized vendors. 
BRAND LAUNCH The appliance's brand launch presents the market with an unprecedented way to look at the kitchen sink and all of its components. The brand is synonymous with kitchen-innovation. This appliance promises to eliminate all of the problems of any typical sunk setup. The brand encourages a cohesive kitchen system. 
Grounded Theory

Grounded Theory

There are spaces in our homes that are neglected more that others. Why? They become neglected because they fail to clearly communicate their spec Read More


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