Neil McBean's profile

Babylon 5: Lost Tales Main Title

Motion Design / Creative Direction

One from the archives.

I started out in film and did main titles for a number of productions. Digging through my files I found this old chestnut and thought it was worth posting here.

Babylon 5 is essentially a show about delicate political relationships. Different groups become allies and enemies at different times, and compromise must be struck to maintain the balance of peace.

Each of the characters were represented in a collage with their home world, a hopefully successful nod to the great movie poster designs of Drew Struzan. They are connected with an arc of light that is meant to highlight the balance each needs to walk.
Fun fact: because this was over 10 years ago we didn't have the computer power to make explosions. Instead we used a highspeed camera to shoot different types of powder in front of a blue screen.  

Another fun fact: we couldn't shoot the actors in makeup, so we took promo stills and projection mapped them onto 3D geometry so we could create camera moves. The effect is subtle, but far better than cutouts.
Babylon 5: Lost Tales Main Title

Babylon 5: Lost Tales Main Title
