Xander Davis's profile

Darksiders II for iPad (UI Concept)

Darksiders II for iPad (UI Concept)
Experiment, 2013
If Darksiders II (Xbox 360, PS3, PC, Wii-U) was ported to iPad, what would a screen of UI look like? Darksiders II's original UI Designer Xander Davis creates a re-design concept artistically consistent with the shipped game under time-lapse to explore this possibility.
Assuming a third-person 3D action-adventure game would use twin-stick emulation, this would place players' grips on the bottom sides of a horizontally-aligned iPad, where gameplay would be primarily conducted with the thumbs. Many 3D action-adventure games on iPad use this control scheme and grip. Thus, a menu should have consistent grip and button layout orientation, and Xander designs the menu as such. Check it out!
Darksiders II for iPad (UI Concept)

Darksiders II for iPad (UI Concept)

If Darksiders II (Xbox 360, PS3, PC, Wii-U) was ported to iPad, what would a screen of UI look like? Darksiders II's original UI Designer Xander Read More
