Elisabeth Valerie Hauge's profile

The cultural history museum in Bergen

Client: The cultural history museum in Bergen.
Situation: The cultural history museum in Bergen needed help with increasing visitor numbers. The museum is located behind the natural history museum and is hard to find, which created an issue for us to solve.
Target audience: 1. Young people that are interested in art (litterature, music, theatre, etc.) and cultural history. They like going on adventerous holidays to Italy, Paris and Barcelona, where they enjoy local food and visiting museums. 2. Students by the HF and SV faculties at the University of Bergen, in addition to the different creative schools in Bergen.
Goals:  Increase the visitor number to the museum, and get more students to visit.
Solution: I made an iPhone application to better communicate with the target audience. To promote it, I also made a poster for the release event.
1. Front page. 2. Menu. 3. Functions.
1. Watch. 2. Listen. 3. Write.
The cultural history museum in Bergen

The cultural history museum in Bergen

The cultural history museum in Bergen
