Well Hellleeerrrr :D/

Here is almost the complete workings of how I made Red from start to finish.

Then there are the stunning pictures Kane Croudace took for me that look as fancy as renders from the film.


The film being Roald Dahls Revolting Rhymes Magic Light BBC Christmas special which I was fortunate enough to work on.

Red's initial character design was a combo of Director Jakob Schuh and Uwe Heidschoetter.

If you want more special features for the film here are some sneaky links to the trailer and the instagram art of page :p


I started making her on new years 2018 and finished her a month later. I worked on her in the evenings and a bit on the weekends.
Armature time \:D/
I draw doodles on my phone over the photos to test if her proportions will work and if the pose is working ^^
I made a paper version of the skirt first to get the shape correct. Was the hardest part to make and I only got it right on the third try eeeeeeee :o
I watched revolting rhymes on loop to see if I had the shapes right. Also took screen grabs for ref . She came out pretty good except her face is a bit squonky in comparison to the cg one.
Yes, my house is a mess XD
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay me loves her \:D/ Thats all.