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Comment: James Mitchell

Comment: James Mitchell
A form of British political comment.
Welcome to Comment: James Mitchell

Back in the 1970s and 80s people made there own “Zines” to publicize there own music bands and songs and culture, using a DIY punk ethic style for there hand made magazines. In the punk subculture, the DIY ethic is tied to punk ideology and anti-consumerism, as a rejection of the need to purchase items or use existing systems or processes.
I am now bring this DIY punk ethic into the modern era. Instead of making them on photocopy paper, I am making a few really come alive with anti-political and critical motion graphics. Designed to show my view on events in a way that uses as little words as possible, much like political cartoons that may show public or personal feelings of events and people that the cartoonist may have insight into the topic.
The “Punk Ziners” used images, words and letters from newspapers, magazines and other print they could then use for there own zine that would then get photocopied many times which gave it there distinctive look.
I hope the outcome will be a series of political motion graphics that portray my opinion about various subject matter. Using my version of a Punk Zine i will try to make hand at “political comment” in an effort to show my views.
But why Punk? I am using it because of the Punk ideologies which had varied social and political beliefs that was linked to rebellion, anti-authoritarianism, individualism, free thought, and discontent. So i see it fitting that this style is revived in new media for free thought. It’s about reporting our own view that is mostly anti-establishment.
Company Vs. Politics

In the on going event after the in the golf of Mexico BP was trying to manage to manage and clean up the oil. Pollutions in the USA were involved in the USA were involved in BP bashing of which Obama was a major critic, saying “British Petroleum (a name the company hasn’t used for 10 years) is responsible” even through the oil rig that exploded was run by Transocean, and Halliburton had just completed a faulty job 2 days before with the cement to the walls of the well. Read more
Tony Blair's Journey

Tony Blair has a new book! Tony Blair’s memoirs called The Journey about his life as a political leader has been widely published with his donation of £4.6million gift to a charity ‘the British Legion’. that looks after wounded troops. and all proceeds from his new book, The Journey. Read more
Age of Austerity

As the recession is biting and new government promised to tackle the huge deficit that was making the treasury count its coppers. Cameron and Clegg has attempted to reassure voters about the coming cuts by promising to deliver what he describes as “progressive austerity”. The poor are sighted as thoughs who will be hit hardest this this fact illustrated by the poor man on his knees at the end.. Read more
Strike Menace

Strike are being planned, threaten, discussed and held. Effecting escentral services across the uk and making life harder for everyone else, whether your trying to catch a flight or catching the underground in london. There just might be that threat. Its not just the transportation sector. Factory workers at a drug firm are talking about going on strike over pay and Firefighters are talking about it. Read more
Comment: James Mitchell

Comment: James Mitchell

Motion graphics designed to show my view on events in a way that uses as little words as possible, much like political cartoons that may show pub Read More
