In 2017 I had the pleasure of taking part in the design of the book Claus Porto — 130 years collaborating once more with Andrew, at Studio Andrew Howard.

Claus Porto is a Portuguese soap brand, part of the Ach. Brito company, with a rich and complex 130 year old history. The main challenge was to incapsulate in an editorial project all the elements that compose such rich history, and in doing so create an object that would honor and celebrate those who made the brand what it his today. In Andrew's words "the book should be constructed as a visual narrative, constructed in a way – through the use of various paper stocks and page formats – to reflect and celebrate the rich visual history of the company. Ten chapters, each beginning with a small text, take the reader through a visual journey that recounts the company’s history, development and productive methods.  

The book was selected has one of the 50 Books | 50 Covers, an editorial competition organised by AIGA in partnership with Design Observer. 

Photography: Nuno Moreira

Claus Porto Book