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Whale watching in Akureyri

Many different boating companies offer whale watching from Akureyri. They are also monitoring the whales that live here to help better understand and monitor their numbers.
The Humpback whales live in these fjords in the North of Iceland due to the rich choice in food. 
Before a deep dive the Whales surface to take one last deep breath before becoming vertical in the water to reach the bottom quicker, this allows the whales tail to emerge from the water to create the signature tail movement
The most common months to spot Humpback Whales in the fjords are between April - October
The whale watching companies are careful not to get too close to the whales as they know this could effect their usual behaviour. The whales will sometimes approach the boats if in a playful or inquisitive mood.
The Fjords in Iceland are a haven for these Whales.
Earlier in 2018 i visited Akureyri. After looking into what was best to do whilst visiting it became obvious that it is one of the best places for Humpback whale sightings. Nestled in the Eyjafjörðu fjord and sheltered from the wind by the towering mountains on each side makes for the perfect place to begin a whale watching adventure. There are many different companies you can whale watch with, i went with 'Elding whale watching' company who were excellent.

When arriving we purchased our tickets for the next available tour and on our way onto the boat were offered warm suits if we were to stand out on the deck. (Good thing we accepted as it got extremely cold out in the wind). It didn't take us too long to find any whales as the crew clearly knew where they were heading having spotted some earlier in the day. The journey though the fjord to get to the whales was extraordinary, the mountains towered on each side and when we got to the whales they were not afraid to approach us and then carry on about their business, they seemed happy we were there among them.
Being able to see these amazing animals in their own habitat is something unforgettable and seeing so many was a bonus. Being them along side other boats and up close really gave perspective as to how big these animals can really grow. 

I would definitely recommend trying Elding Whale watching tours out if visiting Iceland and depending on how long you have you can choose which option suits you best. 
Whale watching in Akureyri

Whale watching in Akureyri

Whale watching from Akureyri in Eyjafjörðu
