An example of my work, the Today's Fix,  on the live website.
3 Examples of my work clustered together on the Rue La La mobile app
Known as a PFP (or pulled from product), this project is taking images of products and editing them to appear as though they have been shot on an actual set. These are common for showcasing big name designers such as Stella McCartney and Prada.
Known as a BOS, this project entails working with the Creative Director to select photos from the Boston office's production team to collage in a fun way that grasps the "Rue Girl's" attention.
Known as a "Today's Fix," this project requires designing a boutique door that highlights the deal of the day. This door is always featured at the top of the homepage of the website and mobile app.
Another example of a PFP which children's boots.
An example of a BOS.
An example of a PFP using the most difficult products to create this effect with.
Rue Gilt Groupe

Rue Gilt Groupe

This highlights my experience as a short-term Junior Graphic Designer at the Rue Gilt Groupe. All of the projects below have been and continue to Read More
