PROJECT: Superirresponsible
TYPE: Research
TAGS: Publication, Graphics

Superirresponsible can be found in Issue 8 of Mas Context, published Winter 2010. More information here:
We should all be NIABYs when it comes to the disposal of hazardous waste. In 1981, SUPERFUND was signed into existence as the federal government's piggy bank and program to identify, remove and remediate contaminated sites across the nation. Almost 30 years later, Superirresponsible examines our response and responsibility to our seeping industrial, manufacturing and technological wasteland - in everyone's backyard for generations to come. 

We looked at SUPERFUND, the federal government's program to clean up the nation's uncontrolled hazardous waste sites. Through my research, along with Andrew Clark, we start to comprehend how, where, and why the consequences of our seeping industrial past and present, legislation included, are sticking around for the next few generations.


We should all be NIABYs when it comes to the disposal of hazardous waste. In 1981, SUPERFUND was signed into existence as the federal government' Read More
