Andrew Dilag's profile

Fundamentals of Animation unit

Fundamentals of Animation
Animation History & Classic Animation Activity
Notes on Animation History and Classic Animation
Flipbook activity
Storyboard plan for flip pad
Storyboarding in Storyboard Pro Activity
What is a Frame? - a still image part of an animation
What is Frame Rate? - the amount of frames shown in a given amount of time
What is timing? -
What is effective Camera work? - 
What is a Panel? - a frame in a shot
What is a Layer? - a layer is a part of a frame. For example, differents objects can be on different layers
What is a Scene?- a scene includes things like backgrounds, characters, objects and even camera angles.

Animatic:  A movie with sound that is developed from the storyboard. The storyboard panel is exposed for the duration of the scene and at times, the characters are placed on a trajectory to indicate motion. The camera moves are also animated. The animatic is used to determine the rhythm of a project and provides a good overview of the project before beginning production.
Panel:  In a storyboard, a panel is a frame in a shot. A shot can be composed of one or several panels.
Scene:  A shot in a movie or show. A sequence is composed of several scenes. A scene changes to another scene by a simple cut or transition.
Storyboard:  A visual plan of all the scenes and shots in an animation. The storyboard indicates what will happen, when it will happen and how the objects in a scene are laid out.


Part 1:Plan
Exported pdf

Exported Animatic(movie format)
Exported to Toon Boom
Animating in Harmony Activity
Part 1-Notes
Part 1-Intro
-ball rolling down the hill
Part 2- Line test (1 sec) followed by colouring and clean up animation (1sec)
Layers and colors:

Principles of animation
12 principles of animation
Squash and Stretch
Straight Ahead Action and Pose to Pose
Follow Through and Overlapping Action
Slow In and Slow Out
Secondary Action
Solid drawing
Animation 1 – Timing, Slow In/Slow Out, Arc, and Squash stretch
Definitions and Storyboard
-Squash and Stretch: provides the illusion of volume and character of an object
-Slow in and Slow out:Fewer drawings make the action look fast, Lesser drawings make the action look slower
-Arc: all actions follow a slightly cirucular path
-Timing:makes the appearance of an object abide to the laws of physics

Animation 2 – Follow through and Overlapping: When the main body of the character stops, all other parts continue to catch up to the main mass.  
Secondary Action: Additional action used to supplement main action 
Anticipation:Prepares the audience for the upcoming action. 
Exaggeration:Presenting in a more wild or extreme form

Animation 3 – Pose to Pose: Key drawings done at intervals
Straight Ahead:Starts at first drawing, drawing to drawing until the end 
Solid Drawing: Taking into account forms in 3 dimensional space 
Appeal:Quality of charm, the charisma of the action
Staging:Presentation of an idea so it is unmistakably clear

Camera and parallax activity
Part 1 – Create a simulated Dolly Zoom in 
Part 2 –  Create a Dolly zoom in with a Camera
Part 3 – Create a Parallax using Camera 
Part 4 – Add a special effect
Fundamentals of Animation unit

Fundamentals of Animation unit
