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Tribute to Ivan Chermayeff | Poster Design

Tribute to Ivan Chermayeff | Poster Design

MadridGráfica2018 poster exhibition: Ivan Chermayeff in memoriam”
My poster i created to participate in the MadridGráfica2018 poster exhibition "tribute to Ivan Chermayeff" in Madrid, Spain. The event is organized by DIMAD (Madrid Design Association and Foundation). Supported by Madrid City Council (MADRID), Central De Diseno Museum, and Madrid Business Forum (FORO).

Ivan Chermayeff
Ivan Chermayeff was a distinguished graphic designer, author, illustrator, and collagist. In a partnership with Tom Geismar that spanned 60 years, Ivan produced memorable work in a wide range of mediums, ex: Logo of Xerox, Mobil, National Geographic, Pan American World Airways, NBC, Chase Bank, HerperCollins, #UNDP (PBB), Harvard University Press, Merck Pharmacheutical, PBS, Screen gems, etc. Chermayeff was one of the most influential graphic designers of the 20th Century and beginning of the 21st. He was the head of the AIGA American Institute of Graphic Arts, the largest graphic designers´ association in the world.

He died in New York on November 2017, shortly after taking part as a member of the Selection Committee of MadridGráfica´s first edition in 2017. It's an honour that my work had been evaluated by him in "MadridGráfica2017: Ciudad Ligera" until my work had passed the selection to the top 100 .

Poster  "Tribute to Ivan Chermayeff" by Naufan Noordyanto, 2018
Tribute to Ivan Chermayeff | Poster Design

Tribute to Ivan Chermayeff | Poster Design
