In this post I m going to discuss how to deploy your unity game in your ios device for testing it and see how does it work.
Down here is the output of application which I have created

For making this I have used Unity Game Engine and XCODE for deploying this rotating cube in my iPhone. When we touch it rotates in the that direction in which we touched.
What I did for it and How I developed my skills:
In the very beginning step I imported asset i.e. simple mobile holder for the asset store .

Then, for making game for IOS, I switched platform from the unity build settings. There are option for us to choose different platforms. If we choose android platform the steps might get different then from those of IOS. Switching of target reimport assets which will be helpful in building XCODE project.

After that I used bundle identifier, this is new term for me. It is a string which helps in identifying an app. The format for writing it is com.yourCompanyName.yourGameName. In this we can use alphabets, numbers, periods and hypens.

After finishing this, I built xcode project for my project using unity. Here I got to know about what xcode is. Xcode projects all the required information and file which needed in building app.

So, in final step I learned how to deploy application  and run the app in mobile phone and how to debug my unity game on my phone using xcode. We need to trust the developers in order to finishi final debugging. When I connected my mobile xcode processed and enables to debug my iphone.

Well, from this I learnt how to use unity engine and how to deploy game on device. This helped me in building my skills in developing 3d games. And for the future this can also provide a platform for building my career in game development.
Unity Game Engine

Unity Game Engine


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